disbound, rubbed, worn, cracked soiled, torn, and wrote on, wrote in

Scribbling on scribbled on old book covers.

Miasma Flower of Eye

An amusing ebay listing:

Up for your amusement is this disbound, bad, stained, soiled, heap of crap. It smells of smoke, dead fish, cat pee and who knows what. It would serve as excellent fodder to start your summer campfire or supply your camp outhouse.

If you have millions & are looking for a good investment opportunity then take a look at this!!! All your friends have these rare & pristine books to show off, but YOU will have a one-of-a-kind pile of raggity papers no-one can do a one up (or down) on you with.

BOOK CONDITION: On a scale of one to ten this book doesn’t register. It is disbound, rubbed, worn, shelfworn, sunworn, cracked, cracking, stained, soiled, torn, ripped, dog eared, folded, faded, foxed, browning, wrote on, wrote in, wrote over, wrote off, but hey… you could truly own a one-of-a-kind book!!!!

Yes friend, there is rare art contained within these pages (scribbling, drawing, coloring) duly drawn and preserved in the contents by budding young artists who never made it & are deceased now, their work all but forgotten but for the pages herien. In 2 or 3 hundred years when handwriting is lost art this book will be worth millions!!!

Sounds like my kind of book except for the fishy feline odor.



8 thoughts on “disbound, rubbed, worn, cracked soiled, torn, and wrote on, wrote in

  1. have you ever seen the book “a humament” by tom phillips (i believe that’s his name)? it’s pretty cool.

    • The listing mentions that the book already sold previously in a charity auction and that the buyer suggested putting up the listing again. I think the idea is to raise money and not make money on this book. His other listings are all high priced antiquarian books in good condition.

  2. The house-page looks so much like a mystery. I’ve already spent a couple of minutes staring at it, as if it’d do something. Very lovely! It’s making my brain whirl.

    Also, oh gawd, that’s hilarious — that’s an actual salespitch? Maybe he’s hoping to get the sale based on pure audacity? Heck, if “smell of cat pee” hadn’t been in that list, who knows, I might’ve been tempted… But yeah, smell of mildew or … Anything funy… is a good place to draw the line.

    • It’s amazing what people have sold on sheer audacity and that is just the right word. Some of these joke listings are wildly popular and make big money.

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